Journal papers:
Lucian Bușoniu, Előd Páll, Remi Munos "Continuous-action planning for discounted infinite-horizon nonlinear optimal control with Lipschitz values" AUTOMATICA 2018 vol. 92, pp 100-108
Contributions to books
Előd Páll, Levente Tamás, Lucian Buşoniu, "Vision-Based Quadcopter Navigation in Structured Environments", In Handling Uncertainty and Networked Structure in Robot Control, Springer, Studies in Systems, Decision and Control Series, L. Busoniu, L. Tamas (editors), pp 265-290, 2016 (link)
Conference papers
Előd Páll and Oliver Brock, "Analysis of Open-Loop Grasping From Piles ", IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 21), 2021 pp. 2591-2597 (pdf_link)
Előd Páll and Arne Sieverling and Oliver Brock, "Contingent Contact-Based Motion Planning", IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligence Robots and Systems (IROS-18), 2018 (pdf_link)
Előd Páll, Levente Tamás, Lucian Busoniu, "Analysis and a Home Assistance Application of Online AEMS2 Planning", IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligence Robots and Systems (IROS-16), 2016 (pdf link)
Lucian Busoniu, Előd Páll, Remi Munos, "Discounted near-optimal control of general nonlinear systems using optimistic planning", American Control Conference (ACC-16) 2016 (pdf link)
Lucian Bușoniu, Remi Munos, Előd Páll, "An analysis of optimistic, best-first search for minimax sequential decision making," IEEE Symp. Series on Computational Intelligence 2014 (pdf link)
Páll Előd, Koppány Máthé, Levente Tamás, Lucian Bușoniu, "Railway Track Following with the AR.Drone Using Vanishing Point Detection,"IEEE Int. Conf. on Automation, Quality, and Testing, Robotics (AQTR), 2014. (pdf link)
Páll Előd, "Motion Generation With Contact-Based Environmental Constraints," Ph.D. Thesis, Robotics and Biology Laboratory, Tech. Univ. of Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 2023 (link)
Páll Előd, "Vision-Based Quadcopter Navigation for Following Indoor Corridors and Outdoor Railways," M.Sc. Thesis, Automation Dept., Tech. Univ. of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2014 (pdf link)
Student papers
Páll Előd, "Quadrocopter Control Experiment," IEEE Int. Conf. on Automation, Quality, and Testing, Robotics (AQTR), 2012. (pdf link)
Páll Előd and Tamás Levente, "Quadcopter state estimation," Int.l Conf. on Computer Science (EMT), 2012. (pdf link)
Páll Előd, "Design and real-time control of 2DOF mechanism in Virtual Reality with Matlab Graphical User Interface," Acta Mecanica nr. 6/2010. (pdf link)
Educational material
Levente Tamás, Ionut Muntean, Előd Páll, "Hydraulic and pneumatic control equipment," Cluj-Napoca, Romania, UTPRESS, ISBN 978-606-737-031-7 2015
Workshop papers
Előd Páll and Arne Sieverling and Oliver Brock. Towards Motion Plans That React to Contact Events. RSS workshop: Revisiting Contact - Turning a problem into a solution 2017. (pdf link)